Lady Bracewell-Smith, who holds a 15.9 per cent shareholding, was manoeuvred off the board in a surprise, ruthless coup on Wednesday, masterminded by the most powerful director Danny Fiszman, that now leaves the club vulnerable to a takeover.
'I'm in total shock and very upset about the appalling way I have been treated,' she said.

'The board have no manners whatsoever and my views were ignored on many occasions.
'I can't understand why I have been removed in such a ruthless fashion. I had no intention of selling my shares and was no threat to the lockdown agreement between the directors. I have also had no proper explanation as to why they wanted me out so much.
'It is very difficult to accept, especially after what my family has done for Arsenal for so many years.
'I am extremely upset at what's happened and the way it has been done.'
The Arsenal board had isolated her from her main ally on the plc board, Richard Carr, by relegating him to the football club subsidiary before the unanimous vote against Lady Bracewell-Smith was taken.
She added: 'There is no way Richard would have agreed to this, he's family.
'I've never had a thought of selling my Arsenal shares, and I still don't.'